What I Wish I Knew as a New Nurse Practitioner

mindset np student role transition Feb 02, 2021
What I Wish I Knew as a New Nurse Pratitioner

When I work with new grad nurse practitioners one on one, we usually talk about the cases keeping them up at night, the lab results they’re struggling with, but there’s a sneaky under-layer that we don’t really talk about much in school.

Actually scratch that-- we absolutely do, but it’s one thing to read about (and write papers on!) and another to experience in real life.

What I Wish I Knew As A New Nurse Practitioner

In this video I’m talking about the core struggles new grad NPs have-- so you can be better prepared with what I wish I knew as a new grad, or to normalize what you’re already going through. And of course, the tools and resources to help.

Accessibility Matters: Read The Full Transcript Here

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