How to Have Chronic Care Conversations

chronic care diabetes np student on-the-job learning Nov 23, 2021
A graphic with an image of a woman and the text Real World NP Podcast, Chronic Care Conversations, with Liz Rohr

I love caring for patients with chronic conditions now, but it wasn’t always the case. Like so many new grads, I struggled with caring for patients managing chronic conditions -- where to start, how to proceed, feeling like we weren’t making any progress towards “control” of those conditions (diabetes, chronic kidney disease, hypertension, etc).

When I was a new nurse practitioner, I was incredibly focused on diagnostic algorithms and medication management. This, of course, is crucial to know, but isn’t truly what moves the needle in chronic conditions.

How to Have Chronic Care Conversations in Primary Care

In this episode, I cover:

✅ What moves the needle in chronic conditions
✅ Normalize what and why this is so hard
✅ What my dog has taught me about caring for patients (and can help you too)
✅ A practical framework for navigating the management of these conditions

Find the episode here:

Managing Diabetes, Hypertension & CKD Review

If you'd like support learning about how to manage these three chronic conditions, including medication management, most recent guidelines, when to refer and examples of real-life patient cases, join us for the Managing Diabetes, Hypertension & CKD Review Course. Join the course here 

Accessibility matters: Read the transcript here

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