Leukocytosis Case Study: Lab Interpretation for New Grad NPs

clinical topics hematology infectious disease lab interpretation urgent care Oct 08, 2019
An image of a woman smiling in a white background with a text on the right High WBC Count in yellow background.

You've seen high WBC counts as a nurse, but what about leukocytosis that's only 13 or 15? And it's chronic? And what about peripheral smears? How do you know if it's urgent?

The real world of lab interpretation for new nurse practitioners is nuanced.

To make sure I'm giving you the full real-deal —  not just what's convention in primary care —  I collaborated with an experienced heme-onc MD so you'll know how to manage a high WBC count safely and confidently.

Interpreting High White Blood Cells in Primary Care

Using a case study format, you'll learn:

  • The steps for working up a high WBC
  • How to know if you can keep an eye on the WBC, or if they need to see heme-onc (or if they need the ER)
  • The two root causes of high WBC (and some odds and ends that can also contribute)

(FYI: to slow down the audio speed, hit the gear symbol in the bottom right corner and change it to .75x or .5x. Closed captions are also located at the bottom R-hand corner of the video.)

Accessibility matters: Read the full transcript HERE

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