New Nurse Practitioner: When You Don't Know the Answers

np student on-the-job learning role transition Aug 19, 2019
An image of a white woman smiling with a white background with a text When You Don't Have The Answer in yellow background.

Sitting in the room, face-to-face with your patient, and they ask you point-blank: So what's wrong with me?

As a new grad I would dread this scenario—  I'd freeze up, stutter, stumble and turn bright red (although it's hard for me not to do that). I never felt like I knew enough.

There's a better way around this.

And really, it's SO okay that you don't know all the answers.

In this video, I'll tell you:

  • The MANY reasons why this is actually okay (and why we should probably even celebrate it), and
  • The simple strategies I use to handle it.

Here's that meme I was talking about:

Thanks so much for watching. Hang in there, and see you soon.

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Accessibility Matters: Read The Full Transcript Here

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