New Nurse Practitioner Tips Playlist

np student on-the-job learning real world topics role transition Aug 24, 2021
A picture of a white woman with blond hair on a pink background with the text

Being new at anything — whether it's a new hobby, a new sport, a new form of exercise, a NEW JOB! — is hard. After the initial excitement about your fresh endeavor, you've got to start learning the ropes. 

And learning takes time. 

When I was a new nurse practitioner, I wanted so much to skip past the anxious, nerve-wracking process of figuring it all out. And it really does feel like you've got to FIGURE IT ALL OUT, doesn't it? Like you're starting your professional life over again. 

Every day, I wanted to just click "Download now" and get all the knowledge from my colleagues' brains instead of stumbling through the messy process of practice. 

Wishful thinking, right? 

But in my messy, stressful first year of being a nurse practitioner, I learned a lot. A lot about being a provider. A lot about medicine. A lot about what I'm capable of. 

And I bet you'll discover the same is true. 

In the meantime, I can't download my brain to you, but I can share what I learned during my first year of practice — and I can share what I wish I knew back then. I've put together a playlist of my YouTube videos that touches on SO MANY important topics. 

  • Job hunting tips
  • Career transition guidance
  • Making a plan of care
  • Visit routine hacks
  • ...and so much more

Start with the New Nurse Practitioner Survival Guide, then explore the rest of the videos! 

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