Nurse Practitioner Visit Routines

np student on-the-job learning real world topics Oct 15, 2019

You've got the front desk staff asking you to see a late patient, the lab needs you to put in orders, the pharmacy says they don't have the script you sent 45 minutes ago, and you have 2 patients to see.

Just reading that scenario gives me chest pain — but it happens all the time.

Keeping your head on straight while juggling so many moving pieces in a typical day as a nurse practitioner is TOUGH.

I heavily rely on structure and routines to make sure I keep it all straight — and I don't miss anything!

How to Manage Primary Care Visits as a New NP

In this video, I go over my routines with new patients, annual physicals, follow-up visits and sick visits, so you can stay on track and make sure you've got all the info you need.

PLUS: my cheat-sheet I give all my students (and I used for the first year+ ... literally bringing it into my visits and checking things off as we covered them). Download it below this video!

NP Visit Routines Checklist Cheat Sheet

This episode comes with a cheat sheet to print out and keep at your desk for quick reference! Download your cheat sheet here.

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Accessibility matters: Read the full transcript HERE

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