Interview with a Physical Therapist

chronic care clinical topics interviews orthopedics Apr 20, 2021

Interdisciplinary collaboration is SO important in primary care. It’s a tragedy when we’re each rockstars in our own bubble of a profession, but aren’t collaborating or communicating enough to fully understand what each profession actually does.

I’m absolutely obsessed with physical therapy, and it’s a HUGE key to success for patients with musculoskeletal complaints in primary care-- but I didn’t really see how it worked on the other side until I was a patient myself.

What NPs Need to Know About Physical Therapy

In this week’s video, I’m interviewing Stephanie who’s been a physical therapist for 10 years, and we’re answering questions from the email list about physical therapy. We cover:

✅ What physical therapy is and how they can help patients

✅ Who’s a good candidate (or not) and what patients should go that aren’t being referred

✅ The role of imaging before sending to physical therapy

✅ How to manage cost/time/insurance concerns patients have

✅ What we can do in primary care to counsel patients and prepare them to set them up for success with a physical therapist so they can finally feel better

Check it out here:

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