Cardiology In Primary Care With Midge Bowers

cardiology clinical topics interviews podcast Dec 05, 2023
An image of two women smiling in front of the camera in a pink background with a text Cardiology In Primary Care

I am excited to introduce you to an absolute gem in the field of healthcare—Midge Bowers, Clinical Professor and Director of the Cardiovascular Specialty at Duke University School of Nursing.

She also actively practices as a nurse practitioner in a Heart Failure Access Clinic, with a unique blend of theoretical knowledge and hands-on experience.

In this jam-packed episode, we covered:

1. Beyond Creatinine Levels:

Assessing kidney function is crucial when it comes to cardiology. Midge emphasizes the importance of looking beyond creatinine levels when assessing kidney function. She sheds light on the significance of glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and its impact on patient care, especially in the context of newer medications like SGLT-2s.

2. Practical Insights into Echocardiograms:

Navigating through the complexities of echocardiogram reports can be daunting. Midge simplifies this process by focusing on practical aspects such as akinesia, hypokinesia, and ejection fraction (EF). Her concrete pearls of wisdom make understanding echo reports more accessible.

3. Demystifying Anticoagulation Choices:

Anticoagulation therapy often presents a dilemma for healthcare practitioners. Midge provides clarity on the decision-making process between Warfarin and Direct Oral Anticoagulants (DOACs). Her insights, drawn from real-world scenarios, empower practitioners to make informed choices.

4. Practical Tips on Adjusting Warfarin Dosages:

Managing Warfarin dosages can be challenging, but Midge breaks it down into actionable steps. It’s an important and common medication, and her guidance on INR interpretation and medication titration are easy and helpful.

5. Prescribing DOACs Safely:

Midge discusses safety measures and risk assessments using tools like CHADS-VASc and HAS-BLED, providing a comprehensive understanding of bleeding risks in anticoagulation therapy. She also covers DOAC prescribing and guidance on reversal agents. 

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