Monkeypox Explained for Patients

clinical topics infectious disease urgent care Aug 15, 2022
An image of a woman smiling in a pink background with a text Monkeypox Explained For Patients

Monkeypox has been confusing and scary for a number of patients, especially on the heels of the Covid pandemic that we’re still facing. Even though we usually make videos for primary care providers, we decided to make this episode especially for patients, to help clear up some confusion for them, as well as show clinicians an example of how we have these conversations with our patients.

Monkeypox Explained Clearly

In this episode, we cover the answer to the questions:

  • What is Monkeypox?
  • What the symptoms are and how bad are they?
  • Who is getting this and why?
  • Will I die from this?
  • How does it spread?
  • Is there a vaccine and who gets it?

For any patients watching, please seek out medical care from your primary care providers. This episode is for educational purposes only, is not medical advice, and we cannot advise individual people on their health concerns!

Here is where you can find out further information:

👉 Safe sex guidance from the CDC 

👉 How it spreads from the CDC 

👉 FAQs for patients from the CDC  

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Accessibility Matters: Read The Transcript Here

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