What Is Your Philosophy Of Practice As A Nurse Practitioner?

career resources mentorship mindset np student podcast Nov 22, 2023
An image of a smiling woman with a pink background with a text What's Your Philosophy of Practice?

If you feel like you’re drowning in role transition, you are 1000% not alone.

In fact that exact phrase, “I feel like I’m drowning” is one I’ve heard over and over and OVER again (and felt myself.)

So, whether you're a new grad feeling the overwhelming pressure of transitioning to practice or an experienced practitioner transitioning between specialties…

Today's video is for you.

I dive into:

  • How your individual style shapes your approach to patient care.
  • The evolving nature of practice from must-know essentials to more nuanced decision-making.
  • What to consider when you’re looking for the one "right" answer

Spoiler alert: there's no one-size-fits-all in medicine, and the journey to finding your philosophy of practice is as unique as you are!

The truth is that the transition to practice and role transition are hard AF and it is COMPLETELY normal to feel nervous, under-prepared, and overwhelmed.

You’ve got this.

Resources mentioned in this episode 

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