Diabetes Management for New Nurse Practitioners

chronic care clinical topics diabetes endocrine Jul 21, 2020

Diabetes management is the bread and butter of primary care. Why is it so hard to get a handle on blood sugar levels that are out of range?

First, there’s the meds. SO many meds.

Speaking of which, we cover all the medications and updated guidelines inside the Managing Diabetes, Hypertension and CKD Review Course. Hop on the waitlist to hear about the next time it's opening.

Second, there are so many facets of this illness that make it challenging for patients to manage.

Managing Diabetes in Primary Care

In this video, you’ll learn:

  • The first question to start your diabetes visits with
  • The two camps of patients, and how to think about & help each
  • Strategies to help bring high A1Cs down

**Important note** A Real World NP audience member was kind enough to point out to me that referring to A1C goals out of range as "uncontrolled" is not a very patient-centered term, and encouraged me to talk about diabetes as a chronic "management" instead of something that one "controls." So I've updated the text here, but I still use the "uncontrolled" language in the video.

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