Syphilis Laboratory Diagnosis for New Nurse Practitioners

clinical topics gyn lab interpretation Jan 12, 2021
Image of Liz Rohr, a white woman with blond hair. She is wearing a black shirt and looking up. The background is yellow and white text reads

Syphilis lab interpretation can be confusing, and it’s a BIG topic, but in this video I review the most common scenario that I see in primary care.

Interpreting Syphilis Labs in Primary Care

I cover treponemal and non-treponemal tests, how to interpret them most specifically in the context of slightly abnormal, asymptomatic patients (the most common scenario in primary care), as well as the treatment and follow up, and when to refer to a specialist.  

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Lab Interpretation Crash Course

If you liked this episode, it's a sneak preview of how we cover labs inside our comprehensive Lab Interpretation Crash Course. It covers CBC, CMP, Urinalysis, Dipstick & Microscopy, TSH, Lipids & top Endocrine labs in primary care, and comes with lifetime access and continuing education credits! Check it out here.

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